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Welcome to the Stark Transformation Show with your host, Amy Stark. In this podcast, Amy will be sharing messages of hope, healing and transformation. She'll teach you how to shift your mindset, conquer your fears and become the best version of YOU! You'll get to witness healings as well as hear from Amy's mentors, teachers and about her extraordinary she's been on for well over a decade.

Aug 27, 2020

In this episode, Amy discusses how we can use the times that we get triggered to help us heal and grow. The more we clear our triggers, (the energy that is stuck in our field enabling a reaction to happen) the more we have room to embody our Truth.

If you want to learn more about energy medicine, check out Amy's course...

Aug 25, 2020

In this episode, Amanda Gates, a professionally trained Interior Designer, Advanced Feng Shui Practitioner, Podcaster, Author and award-winning blogger shares why it is so important to cultivate your chi everyday. In this episode, Amanda shares her "dark night," personal experiences with chi, and how she can look at a...

Aug 20, 2020

In this mini episode, Amy talks about the value of staying curious and how it can help us transform our lives. Amy believes that by staying curious, we naturally stay out of judgement, relax into the moment, and take a step forward with love into expansion and understanding.

If you want to learn more about energy...

Aug 18, 2020

In this episode, Amy Ronick shares her goals, while Amy Stark helps Amy R. to recognize and move out the energy and information that is blocking her from attaining those goals. This is a unique, insiders look at how to notice and move out the energy and information that could be blocking your success. Enjoy!

Aug 13, 2020

In this mini episode, Amy talks about the energetic power of the heart and brain and how the quality of communication between these two is related to overall health.

If you want to learn more about energy medicine, check out Amy's course called the You Are Energy series