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Welcome to the Stark Transformation Show with your host, Amy Stark. In this podcast, Amy will be sharing messages of hope, healing and transformation. She'll teach you how to shift your mindset, conquer your fears and become the best version of YOU! You'll get to witness healings as well as hear from Amy's mentors, teachers and about her extraordinary she's been on for well over a decade.

Oct 13, 2020

In this episode Amy talks with Brad Bame, a former Pastor and talented energy healer about his journey to becoming a healer as well as some of the incredible healings he has witnessed and helped facilitate. Brad reached out to Amy for advice on how to energetically help his friend with Parkinson’s, so Amy invited...

Oct 6, 2020

In this episode, Deepa shares how she was in an abusive relationship and how it deeply affected her sleep and how she hacked her sleep. Deepa explains the intricate roll that cortisol plays in our recovery from trauma, and how bioindividual nutrition can help us to recover from trauma. Deepa is the host of the...