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Welcome to the Stark Transformation Show with your host, Amy Stark. In this podcast, Amy will be sharing messages of hope, healing and transformation. She'll teach you how to shift your mindset, conquer your fears and become the best version of YOU! You'll get to witness healings as well as hear from Amy's mentors, teachers and about her extraordinary she's been on for well over a decade.

Aug 30, 2022

Parents need all the help they can get, especially after the last couple of years of disconnection from everything during the pandemic. Erin Hansen specializes in coaching tweens and teens, and is joining the podcast to give advice to struggling parents along with 6 ways to connect with students and children that can...

Aug 23, 2022

Livia Devi was going about her life with a corporate job, minding her business when one day, she got a message from The Arcturian Council of Light in the 9th Dimension. Levia talks to Amy about this ethereal collective’s perspective on the transcendence of human consciousness, especially in wake of Covid, and how we...

Aug 16, 2022

You know that when Mark Gober is on the podcast, it’s time to pass the popcorn! In this episode, he and Amy are telling stories based on research and evidence that come from beyond our intelligent life, including advanced alien species, contact, abductions, remote viewing, implants, hybrids, past lifetimes, and more.

Aug 9, 2022

Amanda Gates sits down with Amy to tell us what exactly Feng Shui is and how it can provide more ohm for your home. Amanda is a professionally trained Interior Designer, Advanced Feng Shui Practitioner, Podcaster, Author, and award-winning blogger. She has seamlessly married interior design and Feng Shui for over 20...

Aug 2, 2022

If you’ve been feeling rushed and stressed and maybe like you aren’t getting what you asked for, Amy Stark and Amy Ronick are feeling it too. They reunite to unpack this massive pause that we all seem to be in this summer of 2022. 

Amy Stark tells us about the fun trip she had exploring in her camper with her family...